Plastic Identification Tool

The Plastic Identification Tool is made possible by

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Project Plastics is a continuation of the much-appreciated work by Thea van Oosten when she was working at the RCE. The knowledge generated in this tool is due to the many plastic experts and projects in the field. Including the work from Frederike Waentig, Yvonne Shashoua, Brenda Kenghan and MoDiP.


About ‘Project Plastics’
The Plastic Identification Tool website was developed as part of the Project Plastics that took place in 2017-2019. The project brought together scientists and collection managers to develop a do-it-yourself method to identify plastics in the collections, monitor their condition and preserve them. Two young professionals were recruited to build the tool, develop the workshops and organise the meetings. The first round of meetings was organised around exemplary artworks from the collection of the participating museums where information was given on how to identify types of plastic. Input during these meetings contributed to the development of the Plastic Identification Tool questionnaire and the design of succeeding workshops to disseminate plastic knowledge and teach how to work with the Plastic Identification Tool. These workshops were organised in the ten participating museums for their staff, after which plastics in objects from their collection were identified during consecutive identification days. The objects could then be registered with their correct data and recommendations for preventive conservation.

The Plastics Project was coordinated by the Foundation for the Conservation of Contemporary Art | SBMK and the Netherlands Institute for Conservation, Art and Science | NICAS, a co-operation between the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands | RCE, the Rijksmuseum and the University of Amsterdam | UvA, Conservation & Restoration Department.

Ten collection keeping institutions participated in the project: Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht; Centraal Museum, Utrecht; Gemeentemuseum Den Haag; Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterloo; Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam; Schunck*, Heerlen; Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam; the Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven; the Rabo Art Collection, Best; the Art Collection of RCE, Rijswijk.

The project was supported financially by the Gieskes-Strijbis Fonds and the Mondriaanfonds.

Project group
This group supervises the project in preparation and implementation (alphabetical order):
Lydia Beerkens, SRAL, conservator of modern and contemporary art
Agnès Brokerhof, RCE, senior researcher
Maarten van Bommel, UvA, professor of conservation and restoration / SBMK board
Nicole Delissen, office for museum management, projects & consultancy / SBMK board
Suzan de Groot, RCE, conservation specialist
Paulien ’t Hoen, SBMK, project manager
Henk van Keulen, RCE, conservation specialist
Tatja Scholte, RCE programma leader Modern Time, project manager digital part Project Plastics

Project staff
This group carries out the project (alphabetically):
Carien van Aubel, chemist and conservator modern and contemporary art restorer, specialist in training
Lydia Beerkens, SRAL, conservator modern and contemporary art, advisor
Ariënne Boelens, Ariënne Boelens office, realisation tool
Karen te Brake-Baldock, RCE, translation tool
Agnes Brokerhof, RCE, translation tool
Suzan de Groot, RCE, conservation specialist
Paulien ’t Hoen, SBMK, project manager
Henk van Keulen, RCE, conservation specialist
Thea van Oosten, conservation specialist, advisor
Olivia van Rooijen, chemist, specialist in training
Tatja Scholte, RCE programma leader Modern Time, project manager digital part Project Plastics

>> project plan (dutch)

>> more about Project Plastics - SBMK website